18th Century Mitts

These mitts were a part of my 18th Century Caraco Jacket Ensemble. You can download it down below for free. It is a hand-drawn pattern that only comes in my size. You will have to scale it up as well. 

finished 18th century mitts

Pattern and General Information

  • Completed: April 2018
  • Material: Cotton velvet, polyester, lace and beads

Additional Information

I do not provide you with instructions for the pattern, but I have written a blogpost and made a video on this project. In case you would like to have some sort of “instructions” you can consult them. Just click on the images below to open the post/video you would like to read/watch.

Blogpost & Video

Making 18th Century Accessories


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18th Century Caraco Jacket, Skirt and Accessories

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